Saturday, March 5, 2011

March. March on....

Last year, when I achingly realized, that I'd be bringing my son back to Maine in the deepest darkest coldest most biting time of the year- I cried. I mourned. Then, as I was quick to look at the "brightside" back then- (sometimes....) I remembered- snowmobiles*. I imagined long days outside, building snowforts, snowmen and enjoying the back woods in the open air of a snowmobile, bonding with my son.

Ah. Yes. Yes. That is what we will do on together. Just us as we get to know eachother. Instill in him a love of the outdoors, regardless of weather... (unicorns, rainbows, lightly falling sparkly flakes, giggles and smiles was what was going on in my head... that and apparently, a lot of memory altering drugs  .... ). So I focused on what we'd enjoy together in the snow, dark, cold snow.

Because- January to March- is a BITCH around here. Ya. i said it. November and December are freaking dark. But Man- then you turn the corner to REALLY COLD. Usually somewhere around the middle of April to the middle of July end of June summer shows up. There is a bit of, what we call Mudseason, between the last of the snow going away and the ground firming back up. But no real spring to speak of. Not really. Not eva hardly.(local speak- stick with me)

In life's attempt to keep me on my toes and mess up any and all "plans". This was what actually happened last year in early March. Ya. Shocker. It was truly a first!!

Notice, not only are the weeds turning green- there is NO ICE in the stream! WHOA!

And then.....

This is this year. I'm moving south. I'll let you know where we settle and when. But... having tasted spring---- there's no going back.

*Yes. Despite Sarah Pale-in's remarks- a "snow sled" is still a devise used to slide down hills round these parts.


Tammy said...

I'm moving south with you! I really dislike cold weather and don't know why I still choose to live in a cold climate.

InventingLiz said...

Oh, exciting! Can't wait to hear where you end up!

hazel said...

Very exciting!

Heidi said...

I'm from Maine and have fond memories of all the snow as a child, but as an adult, forget it! We live in southern CT now with family still up in Seacoast NH and our good weather starts a good six to eight weeks earlier! Excited for you. Can't wait to hear where you land!

scooping it up said...

something tells me Boston is far south enough for you.

but i am going to cross my fingers anyway.

please please please move next door.