Tuesday, January 18, 2011

One Year Later...

January 18th 2010
Addis Ababa

This will be our "family day". The day we celebrate our family, those near, far, passed, and alive. The day I will remember the heaviness of January 17th 2010 and the relief and peace of January 18th.

I do not say this lightly. Each family, in our group (and each family around the world, has), had unique and different experiences. As did each child. Each family had unique and different experiences the day before. It is with respect, and personal honor to say that this, January 18th will be traditionally celebrated as our family day.

Setting own pride aside as yes there is food in both sides of my cheeks
I did not really know how he was feeling. This is true today as well. But I sensed it then- and even more so now- that he was relieved. Although he was given special attention by many at the institution he lived in, he was also one of the smallest and likely the weakest of the 2 & 3 year olds. His personality and early illness kept him vulnerable to the more active kids and their running, jousting and excited play. (All of which he now instigates!) He was looking forward to riding on that bus and being out of the fray.

He still holds close to his heart a few of those special friends. Mosey is his one constant. In a world where a 3 year old needs to rectify conflicting worlds, languages, people and family- having a 'constant' - I believe helps him.

The best shot we get these days

1 comment:

InventingLiz said...

Happy family day! Hope you are both doing well!