Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A note to mom's...

Words and actions, tell.

If you tell your young children ...
  • the magnificent treasure they found is disgusting;
  • the people they enjoy are not worthy;
  • their game is stupid;
they will grow internalizing disgusting, no worth and stupid.

As your children mature, and have children of their own...
  • They will wonder, what kind of parent tells their child they are disgusting?
  • When they wrestle with their Lord, to show them how to love their enemies- you can rest assured, it is you, they are struggling to love.

The best case scenario, is that eventually, the child you call disgusting will begin to wonder, if it's been a mirror you spoke to all along. 
Just sayin..... 


barb_aloot said...

Yep, yep, yep!

scooping it up said...

wow. powerful. and scary about how our words shape our kids.