Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sunday Smile...

I do want to share whats been going on, and soon I'll find time to fill you in. I also want to tell you that our 2nd year of Family celebrations is going much smoother and far less traumatic (and no ER visits) than our 1st years celebrations. It is. More later.
This could've been a quick snapshot, sort of post. but it isn't. I saw amazing things today. Little gifts, evidence of His presence. Evidence He's been here all along.

Today is a day to rejoice. No. Make that REJOICE!!! 

Healing. Healing. Healing. God is good, baby and don't forget it! 

He's not done yet. This I know.

Two years ago, almost to the day, we first went into the YMCA Gymnastics field house. He didn't quite know what to do. He had no idea really.  The first couple times he grabbed a stroller and pushed it around the track... sort of. That was the gist of free play to him. You push things or pull them. (truth be told it's still the most common theme). 

His body was, soft. 

No. Really. 
Squishy. Bones. Joints. Tissue. 

Muscle tone pretty non existent. Meaning- You could press on the bottom of his toes and his entire foot could flex all the way back to touch his shin. Ya. Soft.

Zero arm strength. Other than eating.. ya... I'm going with a zero.

It's not just limb strength I'm talking about. When picking him up, he needed to be picked up using your entire lower arms as support. Hold him 'too tight' (meaning barely touch him) and you'd feel his ribs move and pop from normal position between vertebra.

(Sadly, and oddly, the loose joint and structures leave one with very little sensation in the joints.)

Walking up an incline. Impossible. He couldn't even figure out how. He'd fall over every time. He didn't quite have the strength to crawl using his arms. 

He couldn't roll. 
Couldn't roll over, like an infant. 
Back to front. Nope.

He was almost 3.

Two months. 
3 times a week. 
We went to open gym at the Y. 
 After two months he could, not only, walk up the inclined mat---
seriously! It was such a huge event, I took a picture the 2nd time!

Now- he made it all the way down the end of the tumble track (trampoline) and was rocking the bounce!!
I would have thought these were taken early Feb. But time stamp proves they were March 24. Two months after arrival.


A year ago, we started actual structured classes. 3-5 year old's. No pressure. Preschool Movement.

By this time he'd grown substantially, and his sensory seeking had really come on line. So had his movement and strength. Unfortunately, he still had little for sense in his joints and therefor his entire awareness of where his body is in space was thrown. (And momma was getting whacked by flying elbows knees, heads and other random body movements.) 

Basic balance was a big issue.
Teachers at school had brought it up.

"If he's sitting in his chair and turns to look, when someone drops something, he falls out of his chair"
Little basic core strength to hold himself steady.
They put him in the 'safety' seat. 

(the one with sides) 

(... and buckles)

He was three and a half.

We'd been 'wait listed' for PT. He needed more "play" time and hard body work. Being a first intro to small group activities it was a good one. 

Everything about it was hard for him. 
Large gym. 
Lots of activity. 
One hyper-vigilant hebasha.
Transitions from one activity to the next. 

There were physical challenges, accompanied by expectations of his boyhood and size. 
"Hold on to the bar. Don't let go."
"I said, hold on!"

I gave the instructor "the talk", and "the letter" as companion. 
She was merciful and helpful. 
*hands raised

We did lots of classes over the winter. He really began to enjoy them and looked forward to the challenges. And, yes. Still many challenges. And yet...

He's persistent.
him and HIM.
Never did he give up or get frustrated.
Neither did He.

I watched my son begin to fly.

finally... some air beneath him. by the time he turned 4 last April.

Oh you elusive creature.
He started to figure you out.
A little. 
at a time
About every 3rd step, he'd fall or step off by April last year. Huge improvements. HUGE


And then this year. After being off since April. 
Look what he did today. 
I was teary eyed crying. 

And so was he really, after the big balance beam. So pictures are crap. But seriously... look. 

First notice the sitting, upright and waiting his turn! Oh how far...

Arm strength!! Legs gripping. Full body coordinated together!!!  *insert choir of angels singing* Hallelujah!!

*cue Bob Costas voice dub in*  (unrelated to angels choir previously heard from)

"And now ladies and gentlemen, we turn to the Balance Beam"

Note the 'regulation' width. First on the floor.

Then a little higher. He made both of these the entire way. NO FALLING!

And the elevated beam!! Ok- it was maybe 3 feet high and mats almost reached the top. Still it seemed very skillful!! This was his first step after doing the official beam "mount". I don't know what it's called...

This was as close as she got to 'help'. He made it the entire way to dismount. By the end he was screaming "Mommy! Take a picture of me!! LOOK I DID IT!!" and he jumped to dismount. Those of you who know him, know he HATES having his picture taken--- so this was a big big big day.

You've given me a joyful ride, my love.

He has worked hard. He has this amazing gift of persistence, unlike anything I've ever seen or experienced. And persistence is what you need, when your limits are unbound and set free.


It takes time.

Even in some of the pictures like the one above, you can begin to see some of the skin scars and their healing over time. Today was evidence of physical healing. There is much healing that happens that is harder to capture in a photograph. 
Broken hearts.

Today we REJOICE. 
God is good.


Paula said...

Mommy me and gymnastics coach me both loved this story. Loved it. Loved it. Teary.

Leah said...

crying tears of joy for your little boy!! Way to go!

barb_aloot said...

Wonderful! He looks delighted with himself. Awwww, so adorable and inspiring.

Annie said...

Beautiful. Joyful.

Sara said...

That's wonderful! He looks so cute and happy!

Sharon said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog regarding the ergo. Our little guy just turned 4, but poundage-wise could still fit in one. I think we'll look into getting one.

p.s. LOVE seeing the progress that your son has made! Our 6 year old daughter that we adopted around age 4 1/2 has some balance, muscle tone and spacial awareness issues, so I understand how HUGE some of these milestones are!

findingmagnolia said...

I just cried, reading this. Such amazing progress, and to see him looking so proud of's just amazing. You both are.

Waiting for Zufan! said...

Awww, congrats on the great progress. Kids are amazing, huh?!

Cindy said...

The last picture says it all. Amazing work and life!