Friday, October 21, 2011

Parenthood Makes Me Cry...

Both literally and the tv show. Looking back I've been posting some hard heavy stuff lately. That's part of what's been circling the drain known as my brain these days... but the other part is what has kept me absent. Big giant happy tears. I'm really enjoying this lately. Enjoying. Enjoy. Joy. Finally, most everyday.

I'll post pictures later, but I wanted to post this, so that in a day or two, when my emotions, hormones and positive purposeful parenting has gone down hill, and I've found myself screaming like a banshee feeling like we've been in the pit of H. E. double hockey sticks forever... I will have this as a record / reminder that it isn't true. That things are really good. Hard. Difficult. Intense. Scary. but oh sooo very very sweetly good.

Look at his confidence in this walk. Oh my goodness. I'm so grateful. So grateful to be a part of his life.


barb_aloot said...

YAY!! I love those times when the whole joy of family shines through and makes it clear that all the hard work, the intensity and all has brought us further down the path.

And I love the new picture at the top of the blog!

Sue said...

He's got a bounce in his step for sure. And it sounds like you do too. Yay. May they continue!

Paula said...

Hard, yes. Good, yes. I am right there with you.

Anonymous said...

he looks fantastic! love this pic, and love this post.

Claudia said...

Oh, this is lovely!