Sunday, August 30, 2009

Okay- Okay... The Call

After many intimidation and humiliation attempts- I have finished updating the post about "the call". Sorry- It is admittedly, a bit disjointed. Click here: It's a few posts back.


Shauna said...

FYI... the shots. Not bad. A little sore, but gone in a day.... Since you asked :-)

the Melodious Mama said...

wow!! I've missed so much during this move! Congrats mama!!! woohoo!

Unknown said...

Hey, dear...thanks for being there for me yesterday! Love to you...and prayers for Sweet Pea (and for my sweeties, too)!

Unknown said...

I just noticed that you have A Thousand Points of Needles scheduled for the Ethiopian New Year! Mine is scheduled for one week later, to the day. Eeek!

scooping it up said...

Hi Shannon, I want to de-lurk. I have been reading about your process - congrats! I am a PAP myself. Dossier almost in to ET. I loved your post about preparing kids. We have done (what I think) is a stellar job preparing our older child. She is all set with potential reasons our next children might come to our family, and why we need them and why they need us. She is confident, she looks at blogs and videos with me of Gotcha Days and our orphanage. Even at age 3 she prays every night we will find our Ethiopian kids and that God will keep them safe. - I just now realized it might never be too soon to prepare cousins and close friends. I liked your insights. Feel free to come check our journey as well. :)